Food Service > Ökofrost GmbH
Ökofrost GmbH
Special wholesale Organic frozen foods
"When we started 15 years ago to build the company Ökofrost, the organic frozen food market was still in its infancy. We were pioneers in the organic frozen food market! " Florian Gerull, Managing Director, 2012
The starting point:
The Least organic shops at that time had freezers, the existing range was small and organic supermarkets could hardly imagine anyone.
The situation today:
Since that time a lot has changed: Many of the modern products that can be found today in the deep freeze of the organic sector, were inspired by Ökofrost, improved or even completely developed. With much dedication and the desire to make it even better and develop ourselves and our organic frozen market, we have contributed significantly to the current range and status of organic frozen foods.
The outlook:
we want to go further this way: cooperative, sustainable, consistent and ecologically.
Phone number
Facts and figures
Global workforce