Pork Rillettes
€ Core price
Our Pork Rillettes truly is the essence of porkyness, made from free range Pedigree Welsh Pigs.
The pork is slow cooked with white wine, garlic, thyme and onion.
It has a deep, rich flavour and has a spreadable texture.
The Rillettes is made from the Pedigree Welsh Pigs from Rhiw-Las Farm.
We don't add any preservatives or stabilizers- just the good stuff. Our products don't have a massive shelf life and we are proud of it. Only fresh will do.
Some information.
The jar size - 220g and will serve about 3 people.
We recommend you eat this with cornichons and fresh wholemeal bread.
The Rillettes has a 20 day shelf life when stored in the fridge unopened, however once opened we recommend you eat within 3 days.
United Kingdom
Product details
Place of processing
United Kingdom
Origin of main ingredient
Origin of main ingredient
Packaging formats