Instant cooked grains and pulses (Graines et céréales express)
€ Core price
Instant grains and pulses
The mix of vegetables (lentils, chickpeas,...) and cereals is very interesting from a nutrition point of view because of the essential amino acids, fibers, minerals, slow-release carbohydrates,...
The treasure from Morocco was a finalist at Natexpo in the "good nutrition" category ! This association is well-known amongst vegetarians, it's now available to all with this convenient flexible packet.
8 Recipes:
1. Seeds of Morocco : cooked bulghur, chickpeas, lentils and cumin( Trésor du Maroc : Boulghour, pois chiches et lentiles du Sudouest)
2. Seeds of india : Coocked basmati rice, red rice, lentils and raisins ( Trésor des Indes : Riz Basmati, riz rouge, lentilles du Sudouest et raisins secs)
3. Cooked fairtrade Quinoa, lentils, spelt and kidney beans (Quinoa bio équitabel, lentilles du Sudouest, épeautre et haricots rouges)
4. Cooked rice and lentils (Riz et lentilles du sud-ouest)
5. Cooked lentils, spelt, brown rice and bulghur ( Lentilles du Sudouest, épeautre, riz complet et boulghour)
6. Cooked 4 cerelas mix : Spelt, fairtrade quinoa, rice and red rice
7. Cooked Faitrade Quinoa (Quinoa bio equitable)
8. cooked Broxn rice ( Riz complet)
The mix of vegetables (lentils, chickpeas,...) and cereals is very interesting from a nutrition point of view because of the essential amino acids, fibers, minerals, slow-release carbohydrates,...
The treasure from Morocco was a finalist at Natexpo in the "good nutrition" category ! This association is well-known amongst vegetarians, it's now available to all with this convenient flexible packet.
8 Recipes:
1. Seeds of Morocco : cooked bulghur, chickpeas, lentils and cumin( Trésor du Maroc : Boulghour, pois chiches et lentiles du Sudouest)
2. Seeds of india : Coocked basmati rice, red rice, lentils and raisins ( Trésor des Indes : Riz Basmati, riz rouge, lentilles du Sudouest et raisins secs)
3. Cooked fairtrade Quinoa, lentils, spelt and kidney beans (Quinoa bio équitabel, lentilles du Sudouest, épeautre et haricots rouges)
4. Cooked rice and lentils (Riz et lentilles du sud-ouest)
5. Cooked lentils, spelt, brown rice and bulghur ( Lentilles du Sudouest, épeautre, riz complet et boulghour)
6. Cooked 4 cerelas mix : Spelt, fairtrade quinoa, rice and red rice
7. Cooked Faitrade Quinoa (Quinoa bio equitable)
8. cooked Broxn rice ( Riz complet)
Product attributes
Palm oil free
Gmo Free
Sugar Free
Product details
Place of processing
Origin of main ingredient
Origin of main ingredient
Packaging formats